Career Services at The Jonus Group Tag

The biggest hurdle one faces while looking for a new job is job search frustration. This includes the endless cycle of sending out job applications without a response, the discouragement of finding a job that doesn't align with your skills or financial needs, or the...

Career services come in many different forms. Recently, our career service department has created 4 new packages for job seekers to utilize. Here is a breakdown of each career service we offer and the new packages we have built. Basic Career Services We Offer From resume help...

With the push to take more care of mental health, people make it a personal goal to bring optimism to their daily lives. But what about work? Much like the benefits of maintaining a positive outlook during your day-to-day life, retaining positivity at work has...

As the job market continues to change, more and more people are questioning what the right career path is for them. Others offer advice, like: “Find something you enjoy!” or “Make sure it pays nicely!” As the job market continues to change, we are seeing...

For some, working from home is a dream come true. It has a bit more freedom, less structure, and definitely a more relaxed environment. However, if you’re not careful, working from home can quickly turn into an unorganized disaster of missing work, unfinished responsibilities, and...

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